if they haven't seen enough already. If a consumer is facing hardship and the bank refuses to listen what is one to do short of being foreclosed on and ruining their hard earned credit. What do you normally do when you are in trouble or over your head? HIRE AN ATTORNEY!
Most Banks will not even speak with you unless you are down 3-4 months or more on your mortgage and by that time your credit is shot and you may never qualify for a secured loan at a fair interest rate again. Loan Modification companies are crawling out the wood work to take your money and submit your paperwork to your lender to try to modify your loan (you can do this yourself). The problem is the lenders/servicers are overwhelmed with defaults. They are understaffed and the staff they have is overwhelmed.
There are a couple Law Offices that specialize in negotiating with lenders and for less than 1/3 the cost of a refinance and they can work miracles. You hire an Attorney and next thing you know those people in the Loss Mitigation department are your best friend. Sad but true!
I have been in the Mortgage industry for 6 years now and did some research on several companies. I have done my due diligence to find a reputable Attorney that will make the lender listen and get you a payment you can afford without breaking the bank.